Frequently Asked Questions

What is Therapy?

It’s a lot of things. But oversimplified, it’s looking at your conscious and unconscious memories, projections, thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and learning how to manage and manipulate those things in order to suffer less and have the life that works for you. Of course, it’s much more than that, and we can wax philosophic about that in session if you like. Or you can have a look at some websites, like or, and read all about it.

What is the Santa Cruz vibe you mention?

Santa Cruz is a small town on the northern central coast of California, halfway between Esalen and San Francisco. It embodies the best of both of those worlds, mixing ingenuity and innovation with meditation and transcendentalism. Not sure what any of that means? Think free spirit startup genius. Still not sure? Plan a trip, it’s worth it!

Alternatively, meet me. You’ll pick up on all of it after a while.

Do you work with Medicare/Worker’s Compensation/my insurance/EAP/etc.?

If you have a specific question regarding your needs, please reach out. I will get back to you within 72 business hours. I can’t promise the answer is yes, but you won’t know if you don’t ask.

I’m a former client from the MindspotGP or PORTS program, can you see me at xx fee?

I’ve made an effort to make 20% of my practice available to former clients at a reasonably low fee. Please reach out and we can discuss my availability, locations, and how I can help. I’d love to see you again.

Do you offer bulk-bill services?

I don’t currently offer bulk-bill services. If you’re in WA, please speak to your GP about getting a referral to Mindspot for government-supported brief intervention services. Or, you can access Mindspot on your own for supported online courses without a referral. If you’re in any of the other states or territories, your GP should know about similar programs - ask them directly.